Fusion™ Milk Paint produces a look and feel like no other paint, from a smooth and refined finish to a rustic chippy distressed look. Only real Milk Paint comes in powder giving you this unique look. Watch out for the pre-mixed copycats on the market that do not yield these same results.
It’s your turn to get creative and achieve any look from a stain to a textured finish with one product, you’re in control simply by how much water you add. Just mix the powder with water and unused powder can be stored indefinitely. No brush strokes. Really, none! It mixes to a thin paint, so it self levels flawlessly.
Add a top coat of your choice to bring out the true intensity of the color and protect the paint from watermarking. We suggest Wax or Hemp Oil for most projects. Stain & Finishing Oil is great for kitchen tables or cabinets for a more resistant finish. It will never chip or peel when applied to a porous surface such as bare wood or plaster.